Mass Times
Liturgical Ministries
Music Ministry Contact Phillip Torbert at Lectors / Hospitality Ministers / Eucharistic Ministers Contact the office at Mass Coordinators These volunteers fill the same role that sacristans fill in a parish. For each mass, their duties include: • Set-up for mass (placement of vessels, altar cloth, books, crucifix, tables for worship aids, Holy Water font, collection baskets, etc.) • Identify scheduled Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors and Hospitality Ministers. If additional ministers are needed, obtain ones from those present in the congregation at that particular mass • Assist with seating in Worship Hall • Ask for volunteers to carry the gifts to the altar • Oversee the duties of the Hospitality Ministers and assist with the collection • Handle any emergencies that may occur during mass so that the liturgy is uninterrupted • Oversee the purification of vessels after mass • Tidy up the worship space after mass For more information, please contact the office:
Music Ministry
Catholic Music Ministry @ Penn State Phillip Mackenzie Torbert, Director Welcome! If you are interested in learning more about the music ministry, this is the place! Our scheduled rehearsal times are before each Mass for approx. 30-45 min. in the Worship Hall of Pasquerilla Spiritual Center. Just come down to the piano at the front of the hall. Depending on interest and availability, we may try to schedule another rehearsal during the week for those attending the 9pm Mass so that we might supplement the hymns with true choral music. Musicians are expected to be at one mass per weekend (usually the same one, and if you are able to attend more than one, wonderful!), unless you’re going out of town or are ill or otherwise unavailable (THON canning, etc.). There are a few special masses during each semester, such as Ash Wednesday and Holy Week masses in the spring, where musicians are also needed. If you have more questions, please come by one of our rehearsals (see information below) or email Phillip Torbert, the music director at
RCIA Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults Are you interested in becoming a Catholic? If you are or know someone who is, get involved with RCIA and learn some more about our faith. RCIA classes provide weekly education sessions in a warm learning community for those who are interested in joining the Catholic Church. Our classes will be meeting most Wednesday evenings from 6:30pm to about 8pm beginning Sep. 10. If this day and time does not fit your academic schedule, other arrangements can be pursued, so please don’t allow the schedule conflict to become an obstacle. Through the grace of God we welcomed 8 young adults into the Church last year! We’d love to have another BIG year! For more information contact Fr. Matthew. Click here for some photos from the 2008 Rite of Election for Catechumens and Call to Continuing Conversion for Candidates in Altoona. RCIA Schedule for Spring 2008 Our Neophytes (Class of 2006 u0026#038; 2005) [kml_flashembed movie=”” height=”480″ width=”640″ base=”.” /] Photos from Easter Vigil Masses
Paterno Center
Newman Club
Korean Community
Korean Mass Schedule • Spring 2010 May 8 All Masses are at 4pm preceeded by confessions. Call the office (865-4281) for location Confessions 3-3:30pm | Call the office for location The Catholic Campus Ministry at Penn State embodies a large and vibrant Korean community in its ministry. With gratitude to Fr. Taeshin (Thomas) Lee of the Harrisburg Diocese, we hope to have this liturgy twice a month. We will post a schedule for the rest of the Spring Semester on this page shortly. Contact Fr. Matthew or the Campus Ministry Office (865-4281) for more information.
There are many opportunities within the Catholic church for both men and women to be involved. If you are interested in learning more about these opportunities or about a specific vocation or religious order please stop by the office and pick up a copy of “A Guide to Religious Ministries.” This is a great publication for those discerning a religious vocation or for those simply curious about the diversity of religious life. Also, Catholic Campus Ministry has some information available for those looking for faith-based volunteer opportunities, both short and long term.Anyone interested in an informal visit to Saint Vincent Archabbey, please call the office (865-4281) and ask for Father Matthew. He is always willing to take interested parties to the Abbey. There are also plenty of formal vocation weekends scheduled throughout the year at St. Vincent by Father Fred Byrne, our Vocation Director. Information about these weekends can be had by calling the office or checking the Saint Vincent link below. Likewise, if you are interested in the diocesan priesthood consult the link to Altoona-Johnstown Diocese or call the Catholic Campus Ministry office. We can get you in touch with the right people.
Daily Readings
Apr 1, 2020